New in Rector: Asterisk Type Match

This post was updated at December 2021 with fresh know-how.
What is new?

Updated Rector YAML to PHP configuration, as current standard. Use value object configuration and configure() method for code.

Rector had started just recently helping instantly refactor private commercial projects. Not just from legacy to modern PHP, but also from one PHP framework to another. I won't tell you which ones as the work is in progress, but when it's finished, you'll be the first to hear.

The positive side effect of Rector helping to migrate real commercial project are new features in its core that is free and open-source Today with little, yet powerful asterisk type match.

MVC (model-view-controller) is wide-spread pattern across all PHP frameworks. That allows migration between them pretty smooth process. What do have presenter, action, route-target or controller in common? All are various names for the same entry point to the application.

Each PHP frameworks has its conventions and conventions are the main topics during migration.

E.g. one framework has default method of controller named run, the other __invoke. How can Rector help us?

use Rector\Renaming\Rector\MethodCall\RenameMethodRector;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;

return function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
    $rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration(RenameMethodRector::class, [
        new MethodCallRename('SomeFramework\AbstractPresenter', 'run', '__invoke')

Then Rector will change the code for you:

vendor/bin/rector process src


 namespace App\SomeModule\Presenter;

 use SomeFramework\AbstractPresenter;

 final class SomeController extends AbstractPresenter
-    public function run()
+    public function __invoke()


Do you have more classes? No troubles! Just put each class one by one carefully to the config...

Wait. What if you could use fnmatch pattern?

use Rector\Renaming\Rector\MethodCall\RenameMethodRector;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;

return function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
    $rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration(RenameMethodRector::class, [
        new MethodCallRename('App\*Module\Presenter\*Controller', 'run', '__invoke')

Kittens will love you now!

This feature was added to Rector v0.3.40.

One more thing! You can use it on any type check:

 use Rector\Renaming\Rector\ClassConstFetch\RenameClassConstFetchRector;
 use Rector\Renaming\ValueObject\RenameClassConstFetch;
 use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;

 return function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
     $rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration(RenameClassConstFetchRector::class, [
-        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\Request', 200, 'CODE_200'),
+        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\Request*', 200, 'CODE_200'),
-        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\Request', 300, 'CODE_300'),
+        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\Request*', 300, 'CODE_300'),
-        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\RequestInterface', 200, 'CODE_200'),
-        new RenameClassConstFetch('Framework\RequestInterface', 300, 'CODE_300'),

Happy instant refactorings!