How to reload code highlighter on Livewire 3 component update

I use Livewire 3 for interactive forms and fast clickable maps. Last week, I worked on a filter page for the Rector website, where you can use text input to search for core and community rules.

I typed "add param" to the input and got the results that best matched the rules I could use. But the code highlight was gone; what now?

Current proposed solutions in Laracast/Livewire forums are miss-leading or using old Livewire 2 syntax, so I wanted to share the solution here to make it easier to find.

Thanks to MrPunyapal and SanderMuller for tightening the final solution presented here.

I use Javascript code highlighter and am very happy with its simple use and maintenance in the community. It just works for many years straight, and I appreciate this type of feature more and more.

Whether it's highlight.js, CodeMirror, or other similar package, they all provide simple configuration - "highlight everything with class X":

document.querySelectorAll('pre code.language-diff').forEach((element) => {

To make highlighter work at the right time, there must be an HTML to decorate in the first place. Let's wrap it in a DOMContentLoaded event listener:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    document.querySelectorAll('pre code.language-diff').forEach((element) => {

We're all familiar with this setup. Now, Livewire 3 comes in.

Livewire 3 component

We have a simple form text input that invokes component refresh on typing:

<input type="text""query" placeholder="Search for a rule">

If you're familiar with Livewire 2, you'll notice the new .live directive. It invokes the component refresh on type, not just submit (disabled by default in Livewire 3).

In the component, we filter rules as we type:

use Livewire\Component;

final class RectorFilterComponent extends Component
    public ?string $query = null;

    public function render()
        // filter rules here
        $filteredRules = ...;

        return view('livewire.rector-filter-component', [
            'filteredRules' => $filteredRules,

It works well, but the code highlighter is turned off on refresh.

We want it to keep the code highlighted as we type, not only after page refresh.

How to reload Highlighter on Component update?

We'll use a Livewire feature that makes communication between PHP and JS accessible - events.

First, we dispatch an event in the render() method:

 use Livewire\Component;

 final class RectorFilterComponent extends Component
     public ?string $query = null;

     public function render()
         $filteredRules = ...;

+        $this->dispatch('rules-filtered');

         return view('livewire.rector-filter-component', [
             'filteredRules' => $filteredRules,

Now, we submit a "rules-filtered" event to both the PHP and JS worlds.

Then we update the component template with Javascript that listens to our event:

 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
+    document.addEventListener('rules-filtered', () => {
+        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
             document.querySelectorAll('pre code.language-diff').forEach((element) => {
+        });
+    });

What is happening here?

That's it!

Mind the requestAnimationFrame(). It solves the blinking between bare black/white code and the highlighted code. The HTML will be only rendered once it's fully highlighted. Fancy!

Happy coding!

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