Introducing Bladestan - PHPStan analysis of Blade templates

This Tuesday, I was a guest in 2nd podcast of PHP Portugal folks. It was fun as always, and apart from GPT questions, I got asked about the Laravel open-source packages like Punchcard.

I promised to put the 2nd package this week, so here it is.

Short History

I wrote about Twig static analysis a year and a half ago. Last year Canvural turned the idea into an actual project for Blade templates. I wanted to use this package with a few extras and upgrade to Laravel 10.

The package seemed abandoned and crashed on a few templates, so I ported most parts and inlined the Symplify package for the PHPStan compilation. This is what I love about open-source. One person shares an idea, another takes it into a prototype, and another improves it further.

The result?

I've been running the Bladestan package since February on all my Laravel projects to detect bugs without waiting for production to fail on render. It's the perfect helping hand, and I don't have to worry about various code changes.

What does the package do?

This package finds all view() calls and looks if rendered variables have valid behavior in the provided template.

Let's look at an example of this blog controller:

final class BlogController extends Controller
    public function __construct(
        private readonly PostRepository $postRepository,
    ) {

    public function __invoke(): View
        return \view('blog', [
            'title' => 'Blog',
            'posts' => $this->postRepository->fetchAll(),

Where it helps with?

Let's say we make a typo and call a non-existing method in our Blade template:

@foreach($posts as $post)
    {{ $post->getContet() }}

We get a report:

rendered in: app/Http/Controllers/BlogController.php:20
 - '#Call to an undefined method App\\Entity\\Post\:\:getContet\(\)#'

Or we call a non-existing class:

<a href="{{ route(\TomasVotruba\RouteName::HOMEPAGE) }}">Homepage</a>

We get a report:

rendered in: app/Http/Controllers/BlogController.php:20
 - '#Access to constant HOMEPAGE on an unknown class TomasVotruba\\RouteName#'

We could also discover these errors using our browser and go through all possible if/else template paths.

The most fantastic feature of Bladestan is that everything happens automatically -- Bladestan compiles the Blade template to PHP for you, then PHPStan does the static analysis on the compiled PHP. It also uses your full PHPStan setup, including Larastan and all extensions.

You just add the package and let CI handle the rest.

2 steps to install Bladestan

  1. Require it via composer
composer require tomasvotruba/bladestan --dev

  1. Setup template paths in phpstan.neon

Note: You can skip this step using only resources/views - it's a default value.

# phpstan.neon
            # default
            - resources/views

That's it!

Now you just run PHPStan and see how well done your templates are:


The Bladestan is my 2nd package in the Laravel ecosystem, so I'm eager to get your feedback. Do you have some? Go to the GitHub repository tomasvotruba/bladestan and make an issue of improvement.

Happy coding!